Wall of Recognition

Important Contributors to GHSC’s Success

PreambleIn addition to GHSC’s four (4) Founderstwenty-eight (28) individual Members (both past and present, including a few honorary Members) have made significant contributions to GHSC over a prolonged period, since its inception in 1988. 

These Members are listed below so that we may recognize, honour and thank them. 

Current eligibility requirement: Member joined GHSC prior to 2016.

Selected by: 2021 GHSC Board of Directors. Sorted: Alphabetically by last name.

Contributions considered in the following areas: advising, collecting, donating, helping, learning, managing, organizing, playing, promoting, representing, serving and sharing.

(Note: Possible omissions to this list will be gladly considered for inclusion.)

Ron Archer Ken Leedham
Jim Barclay (D) Wayne Linton
David Burgess (PP) Ron Lyons
Jerry Caskenette (D) Bill Macdonald (D)
Ian Clarke Ian McCrimmon
Frank Collis Doug Marshall (PP, D)
Paul Dietz Joe Mclean
Russell Dick Pat Mihm (D)
Ron Dunn Mike Riste
Meggan Gardner Jeff Rogers (PP)
Claude Gravel Paul Sorley (PP)(D)
Karen Hewson Bill Stewart (D)
Alan Hughes (PP)(D) Ted Vanden Tillaart (PP, D)
Stan Lapidus Bob West
Tony Matlock (D)

PP or CP – past or current president of GHSC

D – deceased; Sadly, Ted Vanden Tillaart died on January 21, 2025.

Golf Historical Society of Canada
1346 Clyde Rd.
Cambridge, ON N1R 5S7

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